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Get Free Ebook , by Amy Boyles

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Get Free Ebook , by Amy Boyles

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, by Amy Boyles

, by Amy Boyles

, by Amy Boyles

Get Free Ebook , by Amy Boyles

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, by Amy Boyles

Product details

File Size: 1820 KB

Print Length: 180 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: LADYBUGBOOKS LLC (March 12, 2019)

Publication Date: March 12, 2019

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#3,374 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This was a fun and mysterious book.

Loved every second!

This story will keep you turning pages and guessing. Good ending that's pretty much a surprise. But...I have to call out any author who does not "google" an activity that they place in the story without any research. Just google it! I'm calling out the author on "crochet". Alice is a speed demon with the crocheting of baby booties. FIRST Mistake: You do NOT use needles (plural) to crochet. You use a crochet hook (singular), Crochet is taken from the French for "little hook". SECOND Mistake: You do not wrap your yarn in crochet. Ever. You do a "yarn over". THIRD: You do not cut your yarn and tuck it in when you finish. You cut a long length of yarn, get a darning needle and work the end into the project, then snip the thread so it doesn't show. With all the YouTube beginner videos out there, you can become "educated" in about 5 minutes. Modern crochet is quite beautiful. And as they say: "It ain't your granny's crochet any more."

Terrific. Another great one in the series. Wonderful plot full of ghosts, greed, malice and murder. Really had no inkling as to the truth until more than halfway through the book. Great characters full of vim and vigour although I must admit that Alice needs a good shake every now and then.She and her two senior partners have just done a successful ghost clearance (well he went into the light after a bit of a fight) when they get a traumatised phone call. The house is haunted and the ghost is asking for her. A skeleton in the cellar, an evil ghost wanting to kill her, a ghost that scares other ghosts, a witch and werewolf, a master who has her in his sights and a ghostly promise to end the family living at the house including their 8 year old daughter plus a ghost with a fixation on grits. Can they find out who the evil ghost is and free the others from his power? Who is his master? Will her boyfriend's new powers overwhelm him?

Amy Boyles is an automatic must read for me and she never disappoints! This book was no exception either! I loved getting to catch up with Blissful, Roan, and the ladies in this latest book. Secrets are revealed and special guests Axel and Pepper join the fun as Blissful tries to rid a home of an evil ghost.

I was so engrossed in this wonderful newmystery I couldn't put it down. The characterswe're so interesting and the story line wasbrilliant. Another new favorite series!!!! I'mall into the ghostly mystery thing!!

This book crosses between Magnolia Cove and Haunted Hollow. It’s another cozy read and is somewhat of a page turner. So many different types of paranormal’s in this one happens to be mostly about ghosts. Enjoy

This story had extra friends from the sweet tea witches series. It was fun to see Bliss and Roan work with Pepper and Axel. Great twists in this one!

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